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Your company will only be as successful as those who lead it. Give them the tools necessary to thrive.
Soft Skills training is more important now than ever. The generation coming into the work force is the most technically savvy in history. However, many do not have the personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively, or even politely, with other people.

When I tell someone that in a recent Gallop survey of 1 million employees, they found “People leave managers not companies…in the end, turnover is mostly a manager issue” they agree wholeheartedly. Usually they begin to tell me about the time they left a company because they were not treated with dignity and respect. It never had anything to do with money.

Often people who are very technically talented are promoted into positions where they find themselves managing people – something for which they have never been trained. Having seniority can place a person in charge who has no “people-skills”. The results are dysfunctional teams with no leadership. Talented people begin to leave and productivity falls.

These are just a couple of the many reasons companies are increasingly investing their training dollars in soft skills trainings for their employees.

To address this important need I offer workshops such as:
Successfully Managing Change – the 4 Box model
Understanding the Playing Field at Work
Developing Goals Worth Playing For
5 Steps to Mastering Effective Communication
Two Touchstones for Turbulent Times
Building Trust

The content and duration (2, 4, 6 hours) of each workshop is customized to your workplace and its particular need. They are based on time-tested Concepts. Participants receive the Tools and develop the Soft Skills they need to be successful.

My most comprehensive offering, Coaching Skills for Managers, is a 3-Day Coach Specific Skills Training that can be broken into modules that fit your time frames and manager’s work schedule. At the end of the three days the participants will have learned coaching skills they can use the very next day. They will have learned how to bring out the best in others, thereby building strong, resilient and more productive teams.

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